Guy Ritchie的电影有一点很好,就是剧情描述非常细致,保证你看完对整个故事理解齐齐整整一环不差。相比另外一位大师导演的装x神作,三小时全程尿点,云里雾里,狗屁不通,看睡一片观众的xx往事真的好太多了。而且这演员阵容,荷尔蒙爆棚啊。当时看疯狂富有亚洲人时候还没觉得Henry golding演技有多好,看这部电影觉得他真是有天赋的演员啊。唯一觉得不好的就是那个Mathew吧。一个gay到不行的演员非要强演直男,而且不管你背景再牛x,yale毕业,演的就是不好啊,每次到他就非常出戏。还有trailer剪的都太差了,不如正片1/10好看。
4.5; Vivarium unfolds a shuddering picture of the modern atomisation and sterilisation of human life, designed to be a replica of nature yet is entirely isolated from nature. Its conscious depiction of the unknown and unknowable avian creatures observing, mimicking and studying human behaviours as though they were but subjects, manages to defamiliarise the quotidian modern life and enable the audience to see and live it in terror. Projecting itself as amplifications of day-to-day life, Vivarium is a frightening, disturbing piece that gives you the shivers; as a film it showcases how to create deeply horrifying experiences for the audience using minimalistic locale and personae. #Mayhem2019